Kampanye dari Badminton Bay

Dear Fans, Please continue to support Bintang SOLIBAD Indonesia (Yayasan Bintang Kidul) http://en.yayasanbintangkidul.or.id/ These children who came from disadvantaged background are provided with a safe place and healthy activities so …

Paradise In Hell

Yesterday, I was in Jakarta to meet, for the first time, the children of the new Solibad project Bintang Solibad. What an amazing day… It had happened once before. I had felt emotionally …

United In Diversity

Pengantar: Tulisan ini dibuat oleh salah satu sukarelawan Yayasan Bintang Kidul, bernama Anais Bargallo. Saat ini ia aktif mengajarkan muangthai ke anak-anak Yayasan Bintang Kidul. You will certainly have noticed …